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T4 wobbles all of the sudden

Started by Seth, September 29, 2018, 01:55:23 AM

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Hi all.  I've had my T4 for about 6 months.  Today I changed the stone from 1000 grit to 250 grit with supplied stone.  I did not change the wheel.  I merely pressed the stone against the wheellike in the directions.  I used firm pressure but nothing out of the ordinary.  I've done this many times.  Nevertheless, the whole machine started wobbling and bouncing all of the sudden.  FWIW I was using the T4 for about 15 minutes with no problems right before this started.

I removed the wheel and turned it on.  It did the same thing without the wheel attached.  Bouncing and wobbling.  However, I noticed a deformity on the inside of the hole in the wheel.  I assume the deformity isn't the problem though since it wobbled without the wheel attached. 

Any ideas?  Thanks!!

Ken S


I have had my T4 since 2014, and have not noticed the problem. I do not recall any other posts with the same problem. Please do not misinterpret this reply to be doubting your problem. I do not doubt it. I am just at a loss becsuse I have not experienced it.

I highly recommend that you email Tormek support. ( Support has the resources to work you through your problem. They are prompt, also. If the problem turns out to be something wrong with your Tormek, Tormek's seven year guarantee for the T4 is solid.

As always, I am curious to learn more about your problem. We may have another member who had experienced the same difficulty and can help. I hope you will post more as your problem is being corrected. In the past, I have known Tormek service to be excellent. Please do not hesitate to post, whether you feel the problem was satisfactorily resolved or not.



Thanks Ken.  I'll email support and report back for posterity.

Ken S


My gut feeling is that whether this issue is with your T4 or your technique, it is correctable and, once resolved, will not continue to be a problem.

I hope well meaning members will not suggest switching to a T8. The intentions would be good, but misinformed. In many ways, the T4 is the prototype for the T8. The T4 is the first Tormek with the cast and machined zinc top. In addition to dramatically increasing the accuracy of the Tormek, the radiator effect of the zinc top corrected the overheating problem of its predecessor, the T3. With the possible exception of continuous, heavy duty industrial sharpening, I would ignore the thirty minute duty warning. It is a holdover from the plastic melting from overheating with the T3. I monitored the temperature of a T4 in use for a fulll day at a woodworking show. I do not remember it getting any more than slightly warm. I need a break long before my T4.

All of the jigs work with the T4. If you calculate the surface feet per minute, you will find the T4 and T8 essentially the same. Yes, the grinding wheel on the T8 will last longer. However, the T4 wheel also costs considerably less. I consider this a non issue.

The main difference I notice is weight. If I have to carry a Tormek any distance, the T4 is the clear favorite.


ps Have you resolved you out of square grinding issue?


Thanks Ken.  I did resolve the out of square issue.  I got in the habit of just checking the blade with a square when I'm grinding.  If I don't compensate, it will still grind out of square.  But if I just pay attention to what is going on then I simply overcompensate with grinding pressure on the high side.  It really is no trouble anymore.  I just can't go to sleep at the wheel. ;).

Ken S

That's why we don't have self driving Tormeks.  :)  (It would eliminate the fun.)



It appears to be the drive wheel.  Tormek support had me remove the honing wheel and when I did it revealed that the rubber on the honing wheel was totally chewed up.  All frayed and chunks of rubber missing.  Really weird.  I've never abused my Tormek at all.  Just standard use and really not all that many hours on the machine.  Hopefully it's covered by the warranty.  I'll keep y'all posted.

Ken S


What an interesting problem. I have been reading all the forum posts since 2009 and do not recall reading one like yours. I assume that Tormek is shipping you a replacement drive wheel at no cost.

When your new drive wheel arrives, installing it would be a good opportunity to clean and regrease the nylon bushings on the drive shaft. They don't really need it yet, however, it would give you a good chance to learn this longterm good housekeeping routine. It is not difficult, and knowing how to do it will increase your Tormek confidence. I did it for the first time when I converted the straight (stainless) shaft on my T7 to the EZYlock shaft. The T4 already has the EZYlovk shaft, however, greasing the shaft will provide you a good peak at "the inards". It gave me an increased appreciation for both the quality and the simplicity of the Tormek.


Ken S


Just a quick thought. Check the locking nut on the dry side (leather honing wheel). If it has become loose, that could be your problem.


PS I would not consider it a necessity, however, I replaced the dry side nut with the "quick connect", the part used on the T8. I have also replaced the plastic EZYlock with the metal version used on the T8. (I have an inner gadget person.)