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T-8 doesn't come with jig to sharpen knives?

Started by av8r, September 11, 2018, 01:06:27 PM

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I was ready to order a T-8, but then looked at what's included.  It doesn't appear to come with a jig to sharpen knives.  That can't be correct, yes?


Quote from: av8r on September 11, 2018, 01:06:27 PM
I was ready to order a T-8, but then looked at what's included.  It doesn't appear to come with a jig to sharpen knives.  That can't be correct, yes?

That is correct... it does not.

Tormek sells "kits" "systems" or "bundles"... (described differently depending on where you shop)... these include extra jigs based on what you want to sharpen.  For example a "Hand Tool Kit" has the jigs for sharpening knives, axes and scissors... "Woodturner's Kit" has jigs for sharpening gouges, scrapers, skews, etc.

For knives, look for the "Hand Tool Kit" or some places sell a "Chef's Bundle"... these have the jigs for sharpening knives.
Knife Sharpening Angle Calculator:
Calcapp Calculator-works on any platform.
(or Click HERE to see other calculators available)


Quote from: cbwx34 on September 11, 2018, 03:24:47 PM
Quote from: av8r on September 11, 2018, 01:06:27 PM
I was ready to order a T-8, but then looked at what's included.  It doesn't appear to come with a jig to sharpen knives.  That can't be correct, yes?

That is correct... it does not.

Tormek sells "kits" "systems" or "bundles"... (described differently depending on where you shop)... these include extra jigs based on what you want to sharpen.  For example a "Hand Tool Kit" has the jigs for sharpening knives, axes and scissors... "Woodturner's Kit" has jigs for sharpening gouges, scrapers, skews, etc.

For knives, look for the "Hand Tool Kit" or some places sell a "Chef's Bundle"... these have the jigs for sharpening knives.

Thanks.  I did see the HTK705 and 706.  Just surprising to me that a device marketed as a knife sharpener and costs over $700 doesn't come with a jig to sharpen a knife or offer that as an option if I don't need the square edge jig (trade one for the other)

Ken S


Welcome to the forum. You ask a very good question. I think the SE-77 square edge jig being included with the T8 is just continuing the tradition of including the current square edge jig. That seems puzzling to me because the Tormek is mostly marketed to knife sharpeners in Europe and woodturners in the US., neither of which needs a square edge jig.

I checked the Advanced Machinery website just now. I found at seperate listing for the T8 with a chef's package. Here is the link:

I am not a fan of jig and accessory packages, however, this might be your best solution.

Keep us posted.



Quote from: Ken S on September 11, 2018, 07:06:11 PM

Welcome to the forum. You ask a very good question. I think the SE-77 square edge jig being included with the T8 is just continuing the tradition of including the current square edge jig. That seems puzzling to me because the Tormek is mostly marketed to knife sharpeners in Europe and woodturners in the US., neither of which needs a square edge jig.

I checked the Advanced Machinery website just now. I found at seperate listing for the T8 with a chef's package. Here is the link:

I am not a fan of jig and accessory packages, however, this might be your best solution.

Keep us posted.


Thanks...confusing to be sure.  Caused me to look for something used instead and I found a T7 with HTK706 and some other extras for $600 so I'm just going to go that route.

Ken S

I have often stated that when debating between Tormek models there are no bad choices, only choices which might fit your particular needs more closely. You won't go wrong with either a T8 or a T7 (or a T4 or a SuperGrind at the right price). My favorite Tormek is whichever one is ready to go.

Do let us know how things work out for you. Also, be sure to check with support ( You may have some warranty time remaining with a T7 if you register it online through the Tormek website. You can also access the latest edition of the handbook after you register, as well as some very goid videos.



Quote from: Ken S on September 12, 2018, 02:18:27 AM
I have often stated that when debating between Tormek models there are no bad choices, only choices which might fit your particular needs more closely. You won't go wrong with either a T8 or a T7 (or a T4 or a SuperGrind at the right price). My favorite Tormek is whichever one is ready to go.

Do let us know how things work out for you. Also, be sure to check with support ( You may have some warranty time remaining with a T7 if you register it online through the Tormek website. You can also access the latest edition of the handbook after you register, as well as some very goid videos.


Thanks, Ken.  This unit is 9 months old so should have some warranty left.

Ken S


Most of the T7s were sold with a 7+3 (ten year) warranty. You definitely want to contact Tormek support and work with the seller to get the warranty transferred to you. Tormek has an ironclad warranty. Do not miss out on it!



Quote from: Ken S on September 12, 2018, 05:03:56 PM

Most of the T7s were sold with a 7+3 (ten year) warranty. You definitely want to contact Tormek support and work with the seller to get the warranty transferred to you. Tormek has an ironclad warranty. Do not miss out on it!


The guy flaked out on me so I'm back looking at either a new T8 or a used T7.  Bummer too as I had already bought the hand tool kit (HTK706) and now have nothing to use it with!

Ken S

Yes, that is a bummer. Unless you got a super deal on the handtool kit, I would suggest returning it if possible. Others may disagree, however, I have two problems with kits: 1) The kits usually include at least one item you will probably never use. 2) Tormek is continuously redesigning and improving the jigs. Granted, yesterday's jigs work as well today as they did yesterday. However, the new jigs work better, sometimes substantially better. If you have immediate need for the jigs, this is no problem. It's the jigs you think you might want someday which become outdated before they are used.

Be patient. Tormeks, new and used, are not rare.



Exactly right Ken, that is why you do not buy "sets" of cookware or knives. You only need certain ones, the rest are "fillers". Hardly anyone knows this until after the fact.
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.

Ken S

Well stated, Jeff.

Years ago, I bought a complete set of Marples Blue Chip chisels. When I eventually gave the set to my nephew, I noticed that a couple of the larger sizes never even had the back flattened. Only buy what you need or at least have a high probability of needing.



Quote from: Ken S on September 14, 2018, 01:21:07 PM
Yes, that is a bummer. Unless you got a super deal on the handtool kit, I would suggest returning it if possible. Others may disagree, however, I have two problems with kits: 1) The kits usually include at least one item you will probably never use. 2) Tormek is continuously redesigning and improving the jigs. Granted, yesterday's jigs work as well today as they did yesterday. However, the new jigs work better, sometimes substantially better. If you have immediate need for the jigs, this is no problem. It's the jigs you think you might want someday which become outdated before they are used.

Be patient. Tormeks, new and used, are not rare.


I did get a deal ($150 shipped)  Got a deal on the T-8 also.  No complaints here.

Ken S

That is a good deal.

I am happy for you. I look forward to reading your future posts.

Welcome aboard.
