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Tormek in a Mens' shed environment

Started by Jeremy, March 27, 2018, 12:26:15 AM

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I have been building a sharpening bench for two Tormek sharpening positions. The general standard of Tormek skill among our Guild members is average. I am keen to put a graphics poster on the wall behind the bench that runs through the setup process for using the machines. Does anyone out there have experience of this situation where users, while they may have seen demonstrations of the setting up process do it themselves irregularly.

Anyone got a sample of a poster.

Ken S


I like your poster idea. I don't know of any ready made posters. I would suggest you contact Tormek support ( or your national agent.

I would consider making up a short list of safety procedures. Keep the type size large. Keep the number small and the content short. Including a few photos is good. Concentrate on things like unlearning dry grinding thinking. My first concern would be making sure the water trough is used properly.

I would stress the importance of using a black marker to check set up before grinding. Keep a couple markers handy, as well as a square to check for a square grind.

I would suggest trying to simplify by (generally) standardizing the bevel angle at 25° for chisels and plane blades. If you can standardize the distance of the support bar to the grinding wheel and the blade projection, you will cut down the number of errors.

I would try to train a group of members and post their names as coaches.

best of luck,
