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Someone slap me for being so dim witted

Started by RichColvin, November 23, 2017, 11:28:38 PM

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Today, I had to sharpen a few dozen knives in preparation for our Thanksgiving meal.  I was not looking to the myriad setups using the SVM jig, my Kenjig (I am a lucky owner of an original made by Ken himself), & and a ruler.  Especially as I sharpen on an SB stone and then add a micro bevel using an SJ stone.

So, I took a lesson from Jan's design ( and made a wooden piece for my SVD-110 Tool Rest.  It is a simple affair where the wood is simply screwed down to the Tool Rest.

After using this approach, I now realize that this is significantly easier than using the SVM jig-based approach.  Jan, I am sold on your approach.  I have only one question regarding your reply #137 :  how do you sharpen with the stone turning away from the blade?   When I tried this, the stone seemed to grab the blades and pull away from the rest.

With recognition of Jan's greater knowledge,
Rich Colvin - a reference guide for sharpening

You are born weak & frail, and you die weak & frail.  What you do between those is up to you.

Ken S

Interesting post, Rich. With a few dozen knives needed for your Thanksgiving dinner, I'm glad I was not trying to drive on 270 today!  :)

I have often stated that a complete Tormek sharpener should have a Herman type platform sized for small knives. A knowledgeable Tormeker should be prepared to handle both an order for a few high end knives and a much larger order. (Nice work if you can get it and are charging enough to make it worth your while.)

I trust your dinner went well.




Stage 1.... Knife Jig
Stage 2.... Platform Jig
Stage 3....  Freehand (Laser Guided!)   ;)

(Platform jig is next on my list, after the horizontal to vertical USB convertsion).   8)
Knife Sharpening Angle Calculator:
Calcapp Calculator-works on any platform.
(or Click HERE to see other calculators available)

Ken S


Quote from: RichColvin on November 23, 2017, 11:28:38 PM
Today, I had to sharpen a few dozen knives in preparation for our Thanksgiving meal.  I was not looking to the myriad setups using the SVM jig, my Kenjig (I am a lucky owner of an original made by Ken himself), & and a ruler.  Especially as I sharpen on an SB stone and then add a micro bevel using an SJ stone.

So, I took a lesson from Jan's design ( and made a wooden piece for my SVD-110 Tool Rest.  It is a simple affair where the wood is simply screwed down to the Tool Rest.

After using this approach, I now realize that this is significantly easier than using the SVM jig-based approach.  Jan, I am sold on your approach.  I have only one question regarding your reply #137 :  how do you sharpen with the stone turning away from the blade?   When I tried this, the stone seemed to grab the blades and pull away from the rest.

With recognition of Jan's greater knowledge,

Rich, I strongly beg not to exaggerate my achievements.

I have the same experience as you. The stone irregularly grabs the blade and pulls it from the rest. I have to concentrate on preventing this, what is annoying. Based on my observations it depends (to some degree) on steel properties and the state of the stone surface.

When sharpening towards the edge you can observe opposite effect. The stone pushes the blade away, towards you. This effect can be overcomed more easily and mainly does not leave scratches on the blade.

When time allows, or the knife is expensive, it I use knife jig.
