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Buying in Sweden?

Started by Richard Z, September 06, 2017, 09:24:05 AM

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Richard Z

I live in the US and am traveling to Sweden for work. Have been wanting to buy the Tormek Japanese polishing wheel (SJ-250) for a while and was wondering if I could get it while there and save some money. Does anyone know if that would be less than Amazon?  Having enough room in my suitcase would not be a problem. Thanks in advance!


There will almost certainly be import duties involved in bringing it back which would have to be considered. Import duties are designed to prevent you from doing what you want. They are there to protect US marketers from imports such as you propose.
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.



Ken S

For the record, Jan edited his post before I even saw the topic. As moderator, I had nothing to do with the edited post.



It was my sloppy reading of the question. I thought that Richard plans to buy the whole Tormek machine in Sweden, so have advised him that Sweden uses 230V/50Hz. Only later I have recognised that Richard plans to buy a grindstone only.

The system has not allowed me to completely delete my post so the dot remained.  :)



Wondering how this would be secured for the trip?  (how is luggage treated traveling, between airport security and staff)
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)


Quote from: SharpenADullWitt on September 08, 2017, 03:51:44 PM
Wondering how this would be secured for the trip?  (how is luggage treated traveling, between airport security and staff)

Can't be any worse than bouncing around in a delivery truck all day... followed by slinging it from waist high onto the porch, can it?   :-\
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You are allowed to bring back a certain amount of goods, tax free, which i believe varies by length of stay.   Check on customs website.  So you may be able to bring one back tax/duty free.

Ken S

Excellent point, Airplanedoc.

You might check on the VAT situation (value added tax). Be sure to allow plenty of padding. There are plenty of chip damaged wheels for sale online. Shipping damage must be a significant problem.

Plan B would be to check out any upcoming woodworking shows in your area. You can often get jigs and accessories at shows for 20% off( new and through the importer for warranty).



I brought an SJ grindstone at the AAW conference in Atlanta last year.  Came home OK, but I did carry it onboard with me.  Lose the clothes if necessary!

Rich Colvin - a reference guide for sharpening

You are born weak & frail, and you die weak & frail.  What you do between those is up to you.

Ken S

Spoken like a true Tormek addict, Rich. If all the Tormek dealers shared your attitude, we would not have the large number of chipped wheels for sale online. If someone is willing to pay for an SJ grinding wheel, not a small investment, he should receive it in pristine condition, no exceptions!
