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Soluble oil

Started by peterpig, March 24, 2017, 05:28:55 AM

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Hi  -  has anybody tried to use SOLUBLE OIL mixed with water ??? I use it on the lathe and on a boring machine as a coolant and rust stopper.
Just not sure how will that mixture affect the Tormek grinding stone ?

Ken S

I have some Honorite Gold, a rust preventing additive for sharpening. I have used with CBN wheels. I have not tried it with Tormek wheels.

To use an old medieval word, In my opinion, a lot of the rusted shaft problem has been caused by sloth (in more modern less religious terms, laziness). At the end of every session, the water trough should be removed and, ideally, dumped and cleaned. The grinding wheel needs to dry. Also, per the handbook and good shop practice, the nylon bushings should be regreased annually. I do not recall anyone who purchased his Tormek new and did these two housekeeping chores regularly posting about a rusted shaft.

Jeff Farris probably used Tormeks more than any one. For many years he travelled the US demonstrating the Tormek at shows. These were long continuous duty days. Jeff always removed the grinding wheels before travelling. These were pre EZYlock, wrench and hammer days. I do not recall Jeff ever mentioning rusted shafts.

I have good city water. If my water discolored my sinks, I would use bottled water with my Tormek. Applying the standard advice for cooking wine, if I would not drink it, I would not use it with my Tormek.

Honorite Gold is a Bora product. In the US, Affinity Tool, the Tormek importer, is also the Bora importer. I have not read any cautions about using Honorite Gold with Tormek, nor was any difficulty mentioned in correspondence with either Affinity or Advanced Machinery, a dealer. I doubt there are any negative side effects. I also do not think it is necessary with conventional Tormek wheels. I use it with my CBN wheels to keep the steel reducing bushing and the steel wheel frame from rusting. It is necessary for that.

I would use HG if sharpening an older tool which would rust when using a bench water stone. I have not experienced that problem.

Age and good housekeeping will prevail, especially with a stainless steel EZYlock shaft! I think you will like your new shaft. Make it a habit to look at the turning direction arrows on the EZYlock nut. THE THREAD IS LEFT HAND. Keep the Channelocks far away and practice loosening occasionally.


ps How worn is your grinding wheel? (diameter)


Jeff's habit of removing the stone, allowed the hole in the center of the stone and the shaft to evaporate.  Between the two of those and the obvious being able to see if it needed grease, he would have never had the problems that someone in a high humidity area who still might always drop and dump the water trough, would.

I am trying to remember all the places I saw Honorite with it, but I do remember seeing a tool reviewer at one point, who reviewed both the Tormek and a no longer made clone, try his wheel with antifreeze.  He didn't see any issue and I think there may be places for that (if your living in parts of Alaska for example, etc), but in general I don't see a need.
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)