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outstanding new T8 video

Started by Ken S, March 01, 2017, 02:44:24 PM

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Quote from: grepper on March 14, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
I just tried to log into the new site and my email was not recognized.  It's now been 11 days since Marie posted that they are importing registration information into the new site.

I wonder when it will be completed?  Updating a database is not that difficult.  You jut need to say something like

UPDATE Table SET col1, col2
    SELECT col1, col2 FROM other_table
    WHERE =

Then just let the thing chew away.  Even tens of thousands of records doesn't take all that long to complete.  Maybe they have something going on that is causing problems.

Hi Grepper and the rest of you,

Occasionally, you hit some bumps in the road along the way. According to our developers, almost all of the registrations were successfully imported. Some could not be for some reason - I am waiting for that list, and will hopefully be able to address what occurred the problem. If any of you are experiencing problems with your email address that you once registered, please email and I will personally help you out the best I can, as soon as possible. You are also very welcome to send me a direct message here on the forum, and I'll help you out from there. Also, as Ken mentioned above, all the information from your previous registration is secured with us, nothing has been lost.

Thank you for your understanding and patience, let me know if you need any assistance.

Kind regards,
Marketing Communications, Tormek


Thanks for the reply, Marie! :)  Bumps in the road are totally understandable especially with a big project like getting up a new website.  Your feedback is really appreciated!

Ken S

Marie and Grepper,

Your posts remind me of a post I made several years ago. I do not remember the exact problem. I posted, "No se ganĂ³ Zamora in una hora." ( Zamora, the last Moorish stronhold in Spain, was not gained in an hour.) I was quite surprised when the member replied that she had grown up in Madrid!



My email is listed in my profile but I cannot log into the Tormek site though I can log in and out of the forum.
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.


Quote from: jeffs55 on March 15, 2017, 03:34:11 AM
My email is listed in my profile but I cannot log into the Tormek site though I can log in and out of the forum.

Hi Jeff,

The forum and the Tormek website are two different platforms, which is the reason you cannot log onto the Tormek website, using your forum login.
Please go to and click "Forgot password". Then enter your email address - the system will send a link to your email with more information on how to set a new password for the Tormek site. Let me know how it goes, will you?

Grepper: I am happy to help out. I hope you will be able to log onto the site now :)

Ken S: Thanks for sharing the nice anecdote, I did not know of Zamora before - you learn something new every day, right?


I got on at the Tormek website using your suggestion. Regarding Zamora not being conquered in one hour; did you know that Rome was not built in a day? thanx
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.


Quote from: jeffs55 on March 16, 2017, 06:04:31 AM
I got on at the Tormek website using your suggestion. Regarding Zamora not being conquered in one hour; did you know that Rome was not built in a day? thanx

Glad to hear, it worked out for you, thanks for keeping me posted.
Regarding Rome, yes, that proverb I did know of :)