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thoughts for the new year

Started by Ken S, December 26, 2016, 12:28:35 PM

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Ken S

2016 has set a high bar, both for Tormek and the forum. I look forward to seeing what 2017 will produce. With the SVD-186 gouge jig; the SE-77 square edge jig; and the T8, Tormek has hit three home runs this year. I have been pleased with so many of the innovative posts from many members this past year.

I expect the present beta website to be fully implemented early next year. That should bring the newer technology of various handheld electronic devices into the Tormek fold. I hope that when this much needed upgrade is completed the Tormek media department will focus on some equally needed videos.

2016 brought us two outstanding jig upgrades. The SVD-186 already has a world class set up tool in the TTS-100. I hope 2017 will bring the introduction of a set up tool of that level for the SE-77, as well as an in depth training video for it including a good explanation of the subtleties of blade camber. The jig and its users deserve this.

2016 has been part of a continuim of Tormek development. Both the new gouge and square edge jigs have replaced jigs which were outstanding in their own right. The T8 develops from a very solid starting place. It adds the precision of the machined zinc top of the T4 with the robust design of the T7. It begins with the precision of the screw fed TT-50 truing, made even more precise by the micro adjust universal support bar. The adjustable height feature is only one new feature of the new water trough. The round bottom is much easier to clean and the removable magnet is a real step forward.

Switching to machined zinc has made almost all the jigs improved. The jigs I purchased in 2009 all work as well as they did when new. The new jigs work better, some a little better and some substantially better.

I hope 2017 will bring us a really coarse grinding wheel, ideally in CBN. Existing coarse wheels, both conventional and CBN, are primarily designed for dry grinding. I would like to see a Tormek CBN wheel primarily designed for the Tormek, made of stainless steel, with a 12mm bore and inset side. In my opinion, such a wheel would serve the Tormek community much better than using Tormek jigs with a dry grinder.

I look forward to expanding the numerous beneficial set up tool ideas we have shared on the forum. There is much potential undeveloped.

I have some personal goals, to be shared with the forum. I now feel fluent with the TT-50 truing tool, the TTS-100 and Anglemaster set up tools and am much more comfortable with the leather honing wheel. In 2017, I hope to master both the leather honing wheel and the stone grader. Stig has mentioned using the stone grader to obtain a 600 grit edge. I want to become fluent with this.

I should also learn to write shorter posts...........

I look forward to sharing 2017 with you all.



I'll take this opportunity (and this topic) to say I hope you all had a mighty fine Christmas, full of family and friends and good food and an adequate supply of Alka-Seltzer  ......  and to wish you a Happy New Year's eve eve eve eve eve eve.   And a Happy New Year.   We had a brutal cold spell here for a couple weeks, but it is a pleasant minus 12 or so now (think 10 °F).  Downright tropical.   
Let's be careful out there, and have an outstanding year.   RR


Quote from: Ken S on December 26, 2016, 12:28:35 PM

2016 brought us two outstanding jig upgrades. The SVD-186 already has a world class set up tool in the TTS-100. I hope 2017 will bring the introduction of a set up tool of that level for the SE-77, as well as an in depth training video for it including a good explanation of the subtleties of blade camber. The jig and its users deserve this.

Ken, it sounds as if you knew something more about Tormek's plans. If so, we understand that you cannot reveal the secret to us. Nevertheless we are very curious.  ;)


Ken S

Sorry, Jan. I have no inside information about Tormek's plans.  I am just a very interest and vocal Tormek user. I have studied and used the Tormek line intensely for several years. My comments reflect both the things I like about the Tormek and those things I think might be tweaked to work better. These are only my thoughts. They may or may not be right.

I hope other members will comment.



Quote from: Rem on December 26, 2016, 02:29:27 PM
  We had a brutal cold spell here for a couple weeks, but it is a pleasant minus 12 or so now (think 10 °F).  Downright tropical.    RR
Hey buddy, I just wanted you to know that we in Georgia USA are suffering through a heat spell. Yesterday, Christmas and today; I was working outside in shorts and a t shirt. I sure envy you the cool temps! ;D
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.


I'm happy to trade temperatures, if you can arrange it.  ;)   I'm thinking you would not fully appreciate some - 35.  That's a tad rude, even for up here.  Hopefully we're past that nonsense.  It's a balmy minus 13 this morning.   I have to watch out for heat stroke.   Happy New Year's eve eve eve eve ..     R   


Thanks Ken and all the rest for your New Year greetings and for the educational, inspirational and informative year of thoughts sharing.

Wish you all best for the year 2017 to come.

Giving an advice is easy.
Accepting an advice is good.
Knowing which advice is worth adopting and which not, is a virtue.

Ken S

I neglected to mention one more goal for 2017. I fumble with including photographs in posts. Having over a half century of photographic experience, this is embarrassing. I have become reasonably fluent with other aspects of digital photography. This year I want to become fluent with forum photography.

Related to that, I have realized that some of my posts really need a short video to be easily understood. My ipad has far more capability with video than I have. My young grandchildren can make ipad videos.....maybe they can teach me. I should be able to put them on my icloud or dropbox accounts and post shared links on the forum.......Stay tuned.



Quote from: Ken S on January 01, 2017, 05:19:04 PM
My young grandchildren can make ipad videos.....maybe they can teach me. I should be able to put them on my icloud or dropbox accounts and post shared links on the forum.......Stay tuned.

Ken, are you smarter than a fifth grader?
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.

Ken S

Not a chance, however, my granddaughter is in fourth grade, so maybe there is hope for me. :)
