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Help replying/sending a message

Started by RobinW, October 26, 2016, 05:00:00 PM

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I'm having a blank when I try and reply to a message or create a new one. Could I have some assistance please?

I log in; go to messages, can find the 'inbox', and see an incoming message. I click on the 'Reply' button and a blank form opens up.

What do I put in the "To' box? The addressee's Forum name or something else?

I fill in the text box, I press the 'send message' button, but there is nothing in my sent box folder. So where and I going wrong?

Answers on a postcard please.


Hi Ken

I received your message and tried a reply - but nothing in 'sent' box, so I have no idea if it has gone to you or joined the messages and other signals clogging up the ether. I'm sure that lack of function is nothing to do with Brexit!

Ken S

Hi, Robin.

I received your message and sent a reply.



After being pointed in the right direction by Ken:-

"I see said the blind man."

Normally online we are used to unchecking boxes so that we don't get inundated with email, phone calls etc, however to keep a copy of sent messages, check the box.

Amazing what you can see with the eyes open! No further action required apart from a lie down in a dark room.