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The Tormek dealer who listened and followed through

Started by Ken S, October 09, 2016, 12:07:49 PM

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Ken S

I while back I visited Hartville Hardware in Hartville, Ohio. I have been a Hartville customer for over forty years and have purchased almost all of my Tormek gear there. Sharpen a Dull Wit had recently posted his turkey baster idea on the forum. I shared this idea with three of the salesmen I know. One remarked that they should put up a sign.

I happened to visit Hartville yesterday. I could not miss the large type sign in the Tormek area:
    Housewares Dept. Aisle 15

When I pointed the sign out to the salesman, he told me that a customer had suggested it......

I visited the housewares department. They actually sell two different turkey basters. The larger version was like I had purchased previousle. They also had a smaller version, also. I will call it the "T4" version. It might require an extra pump or two, but it fits very nicely in one of my Tormek drawers. For $2.58, I decided to splurge.

Bravo to Hartville Hardware for listening to its customers.



Shall we refer to Hartville Hardware as the dealer that "could" or "would" deliver? The "would" is by far the stronger admonition. And "DID" the maximum praise.
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.

Ken S

I'm not sure what you mean. I was describing an experience this weekend with roots to the forum. I have had very positive dealings with this establishment for forty years.



I am trying to say that Hartville Hardware did all that was humanly possible to make your issue "right" as in "whole" as in "correct" as in " the way you wanted it to end up".
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.