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Drip Tray (for lack of a better name)

Started by Rem, September 10, 2016, 03:34:24 AM

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Ken S

I have been very pleased with the Tormek fancy schmancy work mat. I think you will be, too. It is certainly not the least costly option, however, it gets my vote for the best choice.


Rob meant Jam Roly I understand :-)
Best.    Rob.

Ken S

According to Oscar Wilde, "We really have everything in common with America nowadays except, of course, language". :)



.....  and the metric system.   R   :o


I wonder if now we're out of Europe we'll be able to go back to a sensible set of measures?  You know one that has no basis in rational thought or mathematical systems (but I still love it anyway :-)

In fact rephrase that...we'll be able to go "forward" to the imperial system :-)
Best.    Rob.

Ken S

While we are being so logical, let's return to bob and quid. As I remember, weren't there twelve pence in a shilling, twenty shillings in a pound, and a pound and a shilling in a guinea?



spot on Ken...well remembered indeed.  And penny's were abbreviated, not to p for pence as now but d for some reason I don't remember as I was 7 when we went decimal.  But the odd thing is that even though we went decimal in about 1970, we continued with imperial for decades after (including still now in fact).

So my measurements are a hybrid of the two.  Gotta dash, mother in laws for lunch....more on this later.
Best.    Rob.

Ken S

"D" is for dinarius, a Roman coin. We also use the same abbreviation for nail sizes. What would the world be without British logic? :)


ps I still like your twenty ounce pints! ;)


Quote from: Rob on September 11, 2016, 11:46:37 AM
I wonder if now we're out of Europe we'll be able to go back to a sensible set of measures?  You know one that has no basis in rational thought or mathematical systems (but I still love it anyway :-)

In fact rephrase that...we'll be able to go "forward" to the imperial system :-)

Just so you can watch some expensive probe, slam into a planet, when someone didn't follow the transcribe memo.
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)

Herman Trivilino

One can always, ahem ..., pick up a plasic cafeteria tray somewhere.   ;D
Origin: Big Bang

Herman Trivilino

I glued a scrap piece of vinyl (floor covering) to a scrap piece of plywood. Then I wrapped it with some scrap pieces of trim left over from ripping down some treated lumber. The trim forms a ledge to trap any spilled water. That has served me well for probably about 15 years. I used to set it on saw horses but now have it permanently attached to a wall in my garage/workshop. I have it at just the right height.
Origin: Big Bang


Well, I received my mighty fine, fancy schmancy, gen-u-ine Tormek work mat today.   It is indeed a thing of beauty.   A work of art.  A tray among trays.  A mat for all seasons.   Capable of taming the most rogue of drips.  I think I'll name him either Trey or Matt.  I'm sure he'll "carry my water" for a long time.   And while his personality is a bit flat, it still has an edge to it ....  he has a lot of lip.

OK, just going away now ........  it's a nice item.     R   ;D

Ken S

How about "Matteo" (Swedish for Mat)?  :)


ps It is a nice and very functional rubber mat. 'Glad you like it.


Great post Rem!  Thanks for the chuckle.  :)


Quote from: Rem on September 20, 2016, 07:28:47 PM
Well, I received my mighty fine, fancy schmancy, gen-u-ine Tormek work mat today.   It is indeed a thing of beauty.   A work of art.  A tray among trays.  A mat for all seasons.   Capable of taming the most rogue of drips.  I think I'll name him either Trey or Matt.  I'm sure he'll "carry my water" for a long time.   And while his personality is a bit flat, it still has an edge to it ....  he has a lot of lip.

OK, just going away now ........  it's a nice item.     R   ;D
I think your drip tray is all wet. ;)
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.