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Will T7 and T8 Tormek jigs work with the T2000?

Started by dkmelchior, August 10, 2016, 08:07:30 AM

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Specifically, will the Tormek SVH-320 Planer Blade Sharpener jig work with the T2000?


All the jigs that are available can be used on older machines as long they have both horizontal and vertical sleeves. If it don't have the horizontal mounting is possible to buy that separately, it is called XB-100.

Best Stig

Ken S

Backward compatability is one of Tormek's distinctive advantages. Even replacement parts are that way. This works both ways. Older jigs will work with the newest Tormek. (The newer jigs are improved, but the older jigs still work as well as ever.) Try doing that with camera lenses!

When Tormek adopted the stainless steel EZYlock main shaft in 2010, the new EZYlock shaft became the standard replacement part. This made it possible for a Tormek user with an ancient model to upgrade to the latest, most improved version.

I think this represents outstanding customer care.



Jigs, yes, forward looking, parts, no.
Most stuff is interchangeable among the Supergrind 2000, T-7.  The T-8, however does brake with that in the area of the water tray.  Due to how recently the T-7 was sold as the latest model, we still have years before a replacement water tray, becomes hard to find.  There are some other parts, that will probably be in stock, past that, that are not T-8 compatible, the sleeves.  I expect the horizontal ones will still be made, long after the vertical ones have stopped, since they are no longer a separate item.  If someone hasn't refinished an older, non powdercoated Tormek, but is considering doing so, they might be wise to get what they need in the next few years. (or those of us who still keep eyes out for used ones)
When the T-8 arrived, and the sleeves were mentioned as being improved (and due to the lateness of the hour I was reading while falling asleep), my brain said I should buy the new sleeves and add them to my machine.  Then I realized they were incorporated in the machine.
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)

Ken S


I realize the new T8 water trough is not interchangeable with earlier Tormek models and that the sleeves are now built into the cast top. However, that does not mean that parts will not be available for older models. Presently, if a Tormek owner with a twenty year old Tormek needs a part, is there any part which cannot be replaced?

I can't imagine Tormek not continuing to stock the present T7 water trough. It will be the present advanced model, however, it will work with all older 250mm diameter wheel models.

I think this would be an excellent opportunity for "Sweden" (Stig) to comment.



I believe the warranty of a new T-7 bought this year, is 10 years.  That means parts will be available for that long (or they replace the whole machine, which costs more), at least. (and then after the last production, until supplies run out)
If someone had damaged a square frame Tormek, they couldn't get a new square frame, but the frame of the second generation of the supergrind, that became the T-7 frame as well.  They also couldn't buy a new unthreaded support, or non stainless shaft. 
This forum and its information, will hopefully outlast me.  In that spirit, I try to think ahead to future proof, or date my information, in such a way, that we may have a better date of when things changed. (future references)
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)

Ken S


You bring up a good point. If someone wanted to restore a vintage Tormek using only authentic vintage parts, it could be difficult.

However, I think the focus of the Tormek parts department is to keep older machines functioning incorporating the newest technology whenever possible. The new complete EZYlock shaft costs around seventy US dollars. I can't imagine a real Tormek user in need of a new shaft wanting a non stainless shaft, unless it was a flea market find for ten dollars.

As far as the housing or a motor, there is a point where it is more cost effective just to replace the Tormek. A brand new, fully warrented stripped down T8 does not cost much more than a new replacement motor. If a housing, especially a square housing could not be reasonably repaired, a new Tormek would be very tempting.

Did you print out Jeff's blog? It and the newly expanded news archive in the website beta are good sources for dating Tormek items.



Tormek always tries to have the highest quality on our parts and we have many users with machines from the '80 and even older. The machine just keep working.
We will carry spareparts for many years after the last T-7 has gone out of warranty so there is no reason to stress about it.
