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hand friendly jig knobs for older tormekers

Started by Ken S, April 05, 2016, 04:41:36 PM

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Ken S

The standard round Tormek knobs are very adequate for most users. They may be difficult for older Tormek users with arthritic hands. There is an easy fix.

Places like Reid Supply Co and McMaster Carr offer a good variety of plastic knobs in different shapes better suited for older hands. I have also found a selection of these knobs at Hartville Hardware. Larger hardware stores may carry some, as well. Whether with threaded studs or inserts, the Tormek knobs are all 6 x 1.00mm metric threads. Even in the US, this size thread is fairly available. Those of you who live in Metricland should have no problem locating a good selection.

I tried a couple four point knobs from my Manfrotto/Bogen light stand with my Tormek knife jigs. The threads were a little long. For a permanent replacement, I would have shortened the threads. As a temporary solution, a few washers saved the day. I found the four point knobs much more controllable and easier on my hands. I have heard that soft surface knobs work even better.

I understand why Tormek does not sell these knobs. While they work very well with older hands, younger, stronger users might easily strip out threads with the increased torque. Common sense must prevail.

I believe a minor modification will help keep older Tormekers active.



I was a locksmith for a few years.  Some of the key machines had knobs similar to the tormek, others had adjustable knobs like these.

I like them because one could usually get enough leverage without using my thumbs.  I've hurt both of my thumbs often enough playing basketball, that I don't really like to exert a lot of pressure with them.  Plus, I could swing the arm to where I wanted it to be, not where it happened to be.

Ken S


I use levers like these on my Porter Cable woodworking routers. (Routing expert, Pat Warner, recommended this to me.) I think these might work well with Tormek jigs. Reid sells these, too.



Several of the hardware store changes and building centers, sell knobs that go on, typically hex head bolts and nuts.  Better selections can be found online (Mcmaster Carr is typically who I use).
Also keep a towel handy, as a simple wipe could be all you need (turning with a wet hand doesn't always work well, try opening stuck jars).
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)

Ken S


Good thoughts. Your jar lid comment made me think of the round flat rubbery jar lid openers. They rarely fail to separate jar and lid. They are also inexpensive and would be an aid in multiplying hand strength with Tormek knives.
