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Dear Santa 2016

Started by RobinW, December 11, 2016, 03:17:21 PM

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Dear Santa

As I did not receive the Tormek FANTASY last year (I understand that Tormek withdrew the product as the nano-bots could not be properly trained), may I request one of the new Tormek T8 -3UltraWide machines allegedly under development?

This super looking machine, as shown in the pictures below, has the capability of mounting up to three wheels simultaneously (any combination of SB; SG and SJ), with separate water troughs to prevent cross contamination. With the longer USB it allows a tool to be rapidly sharpened on any of the desired wheels.

The other facility offered is an ultra wide wheel, approximately 3 times the width of a standard wheel. This would be a great benefit to those who sharpen very wide plane blades or scrapers; long knives or cleavers. It comes with a specific wide trough.

Needless to say the bushes have been beefed up to counteract the increased shaft loadings, and the various troughs have integral feet to prevent overbalance.

I look forward with great anticipation to testing this new machine.

Ken S


I am not quite through testing this model. I thought I had asked you not to mention it. ;)



Hi Ken -

As one of Santa's little helpers I thought that you would have been finished testing by now - time's getting short for delivery and I was so looking forward to a nice surprise on Christmas Day.

I misunderstood your secrecy request. I thought you meant I should not mention the other development about the self-reconstituting wheels. I think it's a very clever idea that if you leave the Tormek running for 10 minutes after you finish grinding, the wheel particles in the water trough will self-reconstitute themselves evenly back onto the wheel.

It must be a bit of a problem for the company. Everyone wants to make a product that has no problems and customers want something that lasts a lifetime. However I can't see the accountants agreeing to the business model for a company making a grinding product where there is no ongoing market for spare wheels. I think that this particular development may be squashed at source. More the pity.

I will try and be more discrete in future.



Robin, that is a heck of a lot of weight to hang onto the end of an unsupported shaft. I predict out of concentricity very shortly along with destruction of the wheel bearing possible bending of the shaft etc etc. But then again, this is the Mark I or beta model; right?
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.

Ken S


The T8-3U uses newly developed grit imbedded sponge technology. Running the wheel in water returns the wheel to its original size. Jeff, it is also very light weight.

Unfortunately, until the first of the year, it is only available in Sweden.  :'(

Have hope......



Moderator, can you change the date of these posts to the first of April?
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)