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EzyLock blocked

Started by Rafael, June 28, 2015, 10:52:13 AM

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Hi, I need urgent help. I need to change stones on T7 but the EzyLock is blocked. I tried almost everything, every possible tool used for unloking but it doesn't work. So, I can not dismount the stone. Is it someone who had the same problem? Any ideas? Thanks.


What do you mean by blocked?
Have you tried holding the stones at the top and moving them opposite directions, by hand?
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)

Ken S

Welcome to the forum, Rafael.

Very good question. In my opinion, the EZYlock is the number one improvement to the Tormek. Tormek did almost everything right. The idea is a genuine improvement. The design is simple and effective. The machining is excellent. A very clever side is that changing the automated machining program required only changing the one thread from left hand to a left hand thread. The Ezylock is easily user changeable and very easy and reliable to use, once one understands how to use it. Tormek produced a fine program, but misstepped at the goal line and did not provide stone simple and blatantly obvious instructions on using it. It is briefly shown in Alan Hotham's video and in the "getting Started" booklet which comes with the Tormek. It needs a separate chapter in the handbook, clearly indicated in both the table of contents and index. One should need to be a researcher or detective to find the information.

The link is to a topic I posted in January. I find the memory aid has helped me learn how to use the EZYlock. It may be that just the physical act of making the memory aid cemented the procedure in my mind. I suggest you do the same.

Good luck, and do keep us posted.



Yes, I followed instructions. I did everything by the book. But it does not help. I turned the weel in oposite direction but it wont unlock. I then tried many other different ways but still locked. I called my local suplier, they said never meet problem like this. No one can help me. I have the Tormek T7 since 10 days and I use it 3-4 hours a day.

Ken S

Let's take a step back and proceed carefully. To make sure we are all on the same page, the nut on your grinding wheel is the round nut, rather than the former hex head nut?

If your local supplier can not help you, the importer for your country should be able to help. In what country do you live? In the US, the importer (Affinity Tool of Troy, Michigan) handles almost all of the repair work for Tormek. I would guess the national importer for most countries would do the same. Depending on how far you live from your national importer, you might be able to contact them and have them either work with you by telephone or email or taking your T7 to them. The benefit of actually taking your tormek to the repair location is that you would be able to actually see what is done to correct the problem and learn how to avoid future problems. This should be done at no charge to you, as your Tormek is under warranty.

You also have the option of having Tormek or its agent repair your unit under warranty. In that case, contact either your local supplier, national importer, or Tormek in Sweden. You will be sent a prepaid shipping label at Tormek's expense. Ship your T7 to them. They will repair it and ship it back to you at no charge. You may contact tormek directly at    .Please keep in mind, that, typical of many Scandinavian countries, Tormek is closed for the month of July. While you would still be able to deal with them directly, during this time period, you will probably be able to get quicker service directly from your national importer. There is a list of national importers on the where to buy tab of the website. (Same website as this forum).

I would talk with someone in your importer's repair department before trying anything else. If you are unable to do so, post again and I will post a possible home solution.

Do keep us posted.



Yes,it is the round one. I just brought Tormek T7 2 weeks ago. When I said "local" I mean national importer because there are no local sellers. I am from Romania, Baia Mare an I just opened a small knife sharpening shop. The importer is from Romania, Sibiu, about 400 km from my town. I called Friday and they said they have no clue, it must unlock easily, "try use some "tools"". I invested some money and time in advertising the "grand opening" and being forced to stop the activity now, after only 8 days does not look good. Not to consider other loses. I thought this kind of situation might occurred until now, so someone can give me a hand. I will cal back to importer tomorrow to see what other options I have. Actually Tormek T7 is functioning and I am pleased, but the problem is that my SG250 stone it is now on 220 level in only 8 days of working with it. So I thought I mounted it wrong. This is when I tried to unmount it (after I read instructions) and realized it is stuck.

Thanks anyway for quick answers, regarding that it is Sunday. I will inform you after I will talk again tomorrow with the importer.

Ken S

Rafael, I would normally not recommend this so early in the process, however, you are up against a deadline. Here is what I would do:

I would use Channellock pliers ( about 250 mm long). Channellock is a US brand name, however, if you do a search you can see what they look like and find them locally. They are adjustable pliers with serrated edges. I would cover the serrated edges with electrical tape to soften the bite. Have a helper hold the leather honing wheel to keep it from turning. Then gently grip the round nut on the grinding wheel with the  tape covered pliers. Gently try to turn the nut clockwise. Be very certain to turn the nut clockwise. This should loosen the  nut.

This should not be necessary under normal conditions. Your nut may have become overtightened somehow. Once you have the nut removed, make certain the nut and shaft do not have any burrs which should be removed.

Follow the procedure to remount your wheel. There is no need to tighten your EZYlock nut. The motor will do that automatically because of the left handed thread. I suggest you loosen and restore your nut several times for practice once you get it loose. It will give you confidence.

I am concerned with the amount of wheel wear you are experiencing. Normally a sharpening business would wear that much in a year or so. Once you get your nut removed and are comfortable with it, post a topic about your wheel wear. I believe we can advise you.

Do keep us posted, and the best of luck with your new business.


Herman Trivilino

Quote from: Rafael on June 28, 2015, 04:51:12 PM
I turned the weel in oposite direction but it wont unlock.

The leather honing wheel is probably spinning on the main shaft. Tighten the nut that holds it in place. If you want, you can leave your wrench on that nut while you rotate the grindstone clockwise.

I have had to use channel lock pliers on the EzyLock before, just remember that it has left-handed threads. I've been in the same situation as you and I know it's frustrating. If you can't get it loose you'll have to transport the machine to a local dealer and see if they can get it off, but that shouldn't be necessary.
Origin: Big Bang


I am sorry for Rafaels problem but isn't it rather comedic that at least two people; Herman and now Rafael have difficulty with the EZY  lock (sic). Herman is an old pro and even he had to use Channellocks. It might be that Rafael is not aware of the left handed thread but I know that Herman knew. I am not so sure this was an upgrade.
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.

Ken S

Jeff, I see your point, however, I do not think the problem is usually the EZYlock itself. I used the Channelocks myself a time or two, until my brain undid its right hand thread programming. Since then, especially with working with two Tormeks, I have removed both grinding wheels often with no problem.

I do believe the EZYlock is a genuine improvement, both from my own experience with it and from the very few posted problems with it. The EZYlock has been standard equipment on all new Tormek models for several years. It has also been available as an upgrade accessory for that time and the only version listed as a spare part. If there was a design or manufacturing problem, we should have seen MANY posts with this problem.

Rafael, since you do not live near your dealer, a good auto mechanic or plumber should be able to fix this for you. Your problem is essentially a left hand thread nut that is stuck. Mechanics and plumbers deal with this kind of situation regularly. The Tormek is a very simple machine; it does not require a rocket scientist to repair it. An experienced mechanic will have developed his skills from working with thousands of threaded nuts and bolts. Just be very certain to explain to him that this is a left handed thread.

Jeff, while I do think the EZYlock is a real improvement, I do not think Tormek has done an adequate job of explaining it. If they had done so, none of us would feel the need to use Channelocks. Note to Sweden: This would be an excellent to address prominently in a short training video.

Don't give up, Rafael, and conyinue to keep us posted.



There should be no need of any tool to be used. Even I have had some Ezylocks that where hard to open. The Exylock has higher torque than the old nut, but please read this link so you are sure that you do it the right way

Do as following:
Be sure that the honingwheel is mounted correctly so the pins on the honongwheel is in the holes on the drivewheel.
Do as the link tells you but also use a a quick powerfull pulse instead of draging.
Hopefully you understand what I mean.


Herman Trivilino

Quote from: jeffs55 on June 29, 2015, 10:45:53 AM
I am not so sure this was an upgrade.

Oh, it's definitely an upgrade. Something happens and it gets stuck if I don't remove it very often. After getting it unstuck, it works as advertised. It's much easier than dealing with one of the old ones when they get stuck.
Origin: Big Bang


Thank you very much guys. I was out of town yesterday. I will try your ideas and come back with the results. Ken S - Yes, I am concerned about the weel too. This is why I wanted to take it off. Keep you posted.


Thanks again for help. Problem solved. Now EzyLock is working properly as it should. I will start a new topic about the quick ware of my stone.

Ken S

I am pleased you were able to solve the problem. Rafael. Out of curiosity, what did you do to solve things?
