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Newby T4 and square edge jig honing

Started by oakerchap, May 21, 2015, 10:49:42 AM

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Using my new T4 machine I have ground a 9mm chisel and with the support in the horizontal mount I want then to hone the newly ground edge.  I can't because depending on how you describe the problem, either the leather honing wheel is too small or the chisel is too short to reach the wheel.  If I try to present the chisel to the leather honing wheel the square edge jig is blocked by the mounting bar which physically prevents the mount from rotating far enough.

I am delighted with the T4 but I can only conclude that either honing of chisels must be done freehand or I require another kind of jig to hold my chisels.  Am I missing something here?

Ken S

Welcome to the forum, Geoffrey.

Because of size constraints, honing is done handheld with the T4. Go to the site or google "tormek honing farris" and you will find Jeff Farris' well done video on using the leather honing wheel.

Honing hand held is a skill easily learned with a little practice. Don't be intimidated by it. In fact, mosst of us who use T7s prefer to hone hand held.

Good luck and do keep us posted.



Thanks Ken for that helpful answer.  I will do as you say and study the two links you gave to me.
