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Tormek AB's official response to disallowing vendor advertising.

Started by Rob, May 22, 2015, 06:16:05 PM

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First:  I don't believe any of Elden's posts are at risk because nowhere within them is anybody attempting to sell forum members any product. No foul, no harm.
Second:  I really think we have to assume Tormek are quite capable of making their own mind up about this....and they have!  Just, incidentally, as are Forum members able to make their minds up about who they buy things from.  No leadership is required in that area, no messaging, no advertising....nobody needs persuading...we are all sufficiently intelligent to form our own opinions that may or may not lead to a purchase decision.
Third:  Nobody can possibly make the assumption of how Tormek sales are effected positively or otherwise based on posting patterns/content on this forum save possibly Tormek themselves and even then, that data would be incredibly difficult, if not impossible to track.
Last:  I agree 100% Elden should continue to share anything of a sharpening nature that he wants to.  As long as he doesn't start either trying to flog us all a load of product or link off to someone who does then you'll get no complaints from me. And Elden has zero history of doing that so he needn't have any concern.

Wow, this topic area has really stirred up a hornets nest!!  I believe this is really simple commercial religion.  Those are the golden rules of internet chat rooms.  If people stick to those it all works and nothing else need change.  It's really not rocket science.
Best.    Rob.


We are glad this topic is engaging, proving it is important.

To clarify to all, we want the ceiling to be high in this forum, we just need to draw a line when people want to sell stuff. Sometimes the line is a bit blurry, but you´ll simply need to trust us. There has been very few occasions when we have felt the need to remove posts, and when we have, it is all in the interest of keeping the forum relevant and free from advertisements.

Tormek's intention with this forum is to provide a platform for Tormek users to connect, have fun and to share knowledge. By doing so, we hope to add value to each persons individual experience of using Tormek.




Thanks Stig.  I sincerely hope that extinguishes any last eddy currents of ambiguity.
Best.    Rob.


Quote from: Stickan on May 29, 2015, 03:26:52 PM
We are glad this topic is engaging, proving it is important.

To clarify to all, we want the ceiling to be high in this forum, we just need to draw a line when people want to sell stuff. Sometimes the line is a bit blurry, but you´ll simply need to trust us. There has been very few occasions when we have felt the need to remove posts, and when we have, it is all in the interest of keeping the forum relevant and free from advertisements.

Tormek's intention with this forum is to provide a platform for Tormek users to connect, have fun and to share knowledge. By doing so, we hope to add value to each persons individual experience of using Tormek.


Thank you, Stig, for posting reply #16 with an important amendment to the terse guidance expressed in your reply #1.  :)

I have read with pleasure that "Tormek's intention with this forum is to provide a platform for Tormek users to connect, have fun and to share knowledge." 

The motto of my Alma Mater is "scientia est potentia", which is a Latin aphorism often claimed to mean organized "knowledge is power". It is attributed to Sir Francis Bacon. Having said that, you will understand that I feel now very comfortable at this forum.



   Thanks to all for your replies!  :)
   Stig, thanks so much for your second statement. That adds great clarity to the original statement. Carry on, that removes my red flag.  :)