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Small knife jig per Tormek User Group

Started by Elden, April 19, 2013, 12:24:52 AM

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I guess Don, because all your output is bespoke, you would never get any jig that requires uniformity or symmetry as its reference system to work accurately.  Do you do them by hand then?
Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

Don, if you have the skills to make your own knives, I would imagine you could sharpen them freehand on the Tormek.

As I recall you made a HK-50 so you could use that unless the blade geometry won't allow.
Origin: Big Bang

Jeff Farris


Are you saying the jig won't work because your handles aren't symmetrical? Looks to me like the clamp will accommodate pretty much any handle design.
Jeff Farris

Don Green

I didn't mean to start a controversy regarding a Tormek product, only a comment.  My thoughts are that since the blades on my knives in general are rather small and the handles are certainly not uniform when you would put one in the jig and adjust it to the right angle it would probably do the job on one side.  However when you turn it over to do the other side you would be back to square one.  In fact it would very difficult indeed to repeat the process exactly on both sides.

Go to and look in the album "Tormek" and you will see the knives I reference and visualize trying to sharpen the knives with the odd shaped handles.

Note:  I don't own a SVM-00 and never tried to use one.  I do feel, it would be difficult to use under the circumstances  I have outlined.

Herman, I don't have any problems sharpneing a knife "Free Hand" if necessary.  I didn't buy a Tormek so I could "Free Hand".

Jeff, I have made the jigs suggested by Herman and have found them to be the ticket for irregular handled knives.  I guess if I had a drawer full of pocket knives, the Tormek SVM-00 jig would be justified.



I've just seen the Svm advertised in the uk or the first time and its actually really good value for money
Best.    Rob.


It appears to me that the Ionut-Herman jig is definitely the best solution for you, particularly since you already have it.
Did you make the handle for what appears to be a rotoburr (swivel head deburring tool) on the left side of your knives picture? I assume that is a factory blade or did you make it as well?

Don Green


I made those blades as well. I use them as a "Scorping knive " of sorts. To my knowledge, there is no way they could be sharpened on a Tormek.



Can you easily remove them from the handle? Maybe I should first ask, do they rotate in the handle like a Rotoburr does?
You got me going now! ;)

Jeff Farris


Taking a look at that picture, I would venture a guess that 90% to 95% of the knives on that table could be sharpened perfectly with the SVM-00.  They're almost universally symmetrical in handle design with the blade centered on the handle. The strap on the SVM-00 grasps one area, so bulges and extra large grips can usually be accommodated.
Jeff Farris

Don Green


No, they don't rotate.  Those are handles  normally used on files.

Jeff, you are probably right, however they are misleading, very few are exactly centered in the scales.


Herman Trivilino

The set up time would definitely be a lot faster with the HK-50.  Once you have the platform set to the desired angle you could sharpen as many of them as you like with no set up changes in between.  If you want to grind different knives at different bevel angles you could change the angle in little time.

I understand about the lack of desire to free hand, Don.  I feel exactly the same way.

Origin: Big Bang


Quote from: Don Green on April 24, 2013, 10:13:53 PM

I made those blades as well. I use them as a "Scorping knive " of sorts. To my knowledge, there is no way they could be sharpened on a Tormek.


Would you post a close up of it with the handle?

Don Green


Here thery are!



That is neat Don. Can see where that could come in handy for carving. Do you have a profiled leather honing  wheel? For the Tormek that is the only thing I think would work, free handing it.

I have a few diamond hones that I really like. One of them is round and works well on things like that.

For your interest check out:

I remember Foley Belsaw advertising these years ago. Some used ones go reasonable on eBay. I think the catch is getting the various hones that a person would need can get expensive.

Don Green


Yes, I have the leather profiles.  I have a crock stick and use the round ceramic sticks to use on the "Scorpe" knives.  Slow but eventually you can get an edge.
