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Extending the use of your Tormek

Started by Elden, May 02, 2013, 11:42:21 PM

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Someone else posted about this and I thought it was interesting. Make your Tormek earn more of its pay!

The second link appears to be a second prototype.

I didn't know coffee beans were available in the non-roasted state unless you lived around where they grew.

If a person was feeling really industrious, You could make a tumbler using the same principle. It would be turning a little fast for cartridge brass but should be a good speed for other things.


A link that shows what a person can do when the electric is down. Set up for the universal support bar and have a second finer wheel.

Thoughts to think on.

Herman Trivilino

I'm amazed by people who have the skill to do that free hand.  I guess it just takes practice -- a lot of practice!
Origin: Big Bang

Herman Trivilino

Quote from: kb0rvo on May 02, 2013, 11:42:21 PM
If a person was feeling really industrious, You could make a tumbler using the same principle. It would be turning a little fast for cartridge brass but should be a good speed for other things.

That's what the coffee's for Elden -- to make you feel industrious.  ;D
Origin: Big Bang