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Photobucket picture uploading tests

Started by Rob, March 02, 2013, 05:49:26 PM

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Thanks for the starting point information.

I have five photographs, each 2Mb jpeg, which I wish to post. Assuming I name them say P1, P2...P5, open a folder in Photobucket, drag and drop them into that folder, then how do I suitably re-size them to display here, and how do I call them up within the post?

*I see that grepper has just posted to make the horizontal 640 wide, so I assume that is a standard size facility within Photobucket, and the aspect ratio is maintained (or using the old screen value of 640 x 480).

I don't wish to appear completely dumb, (I am pretty computer literate even if it may not appear so on this forum), but I found no suitable help or search facility which details how to do this pretty basic function.

All help gratefully received.


What computer OS are you using?  Windows?  Mac?

Unless DropBox has some feature to resize images, (oddly they or another service just might), you will need to resize the image before you upload it to DropBox.

You can resize images in Paint or some other image editing program and there are free applications such as FastStone Image Resizer,

I think this forum is displaying images at 100% size, while PhotoBucket is scaling, or at least displaying a scaled version of the image.  So, it's not " a standard size facility within Photobucket", but rather that this forum software does not scale images for display so they show up in posts view at 100% original size.

Do you know how to see the properties of an image file on you computer?  That will show you the image dimensions.

I put a bunch of this info in another post. I'll try to hunt it down.

Is this answering your questions? :)


Photobucket doesnt automatically scale the pics to a size thats appropriate for this forum.  There is however an edit function within photobuckets real estate.  I have to say its rubbish for any quantity but just fine for a one or two pics deal.

So if you have a big batch you want to store in PB for later posting here then do the sizing ops according to Grepper's last.  If you just have one or two then go into PB's library where your pics are and choose the edit command (right click on the pic for a short cut to it).  Choose resize once in the edit mode and select just the left hand box.  Put in an appropriate pixel count (400 works well) and the y axis will scale to preserve the aspect ratio.

Now hit apply and then hit save as original to overwrite your original (too large) pic.

Now the image is the correct size.  To post in the forum, find the link options and choose "direct link".  By doing so, PB will copy your image to the clipboard in a format that works in this forum.

Once done, come back here and begin writing your post, where you want the image choose the far laft icon from the 2nd row will insert some then place your cursor precisely in the middle of that code and paste the link from PB.  When you post the post (if you see what I mean) your image will appear where that code was.

like so:

Best.    Rob.


Another thing.....I went through this myself as I had never posted a pic in a forum prior to doing it here and yet I work in the computer industry and am very computer literate.

If you read through this series of posts there's an evolving set of experiments as many of us went through the whole photobucket and resizing thing together.  Herman volunteered some good reszing programs outside of PB and so did Grepper.  Theyre all worth looking at to see what works for you.

Where Ive ended up is all in photobucket because I never post more than one or two or three pics.  PB has the editor I discussed in the earlier post which allows you to resize and thats enough for a small number.  Its also incredibly slow and laborious and whoever programmed it should be shot from a cannon at the speed of light, preferably into an environment with no air!  But, as I say, OK for small numbers.  If you intend to post a lot, batch resize them in another app and then upload to PB ready sized to avoid the need to start injecting prozac into your eyeball (because you'll be so depressed) after the PB editor.  (Did I mention that editor is rubbish by the way)
Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

I open the picture in Paint, then reduce it to 40%, then drag and drop it into Photobucket.  Then I click on the link to copy it to clipboard, and finally paste the link into my post here in this forum.  There are other ways to do it, but I know of no way to drag and drop a photo into a forum post.
Origin: Big Bang


I've finally cracked it! Thanks for all the pointers.

We go from one of life's basic issues - sharpening a piece of steel using a bit of stone - to the delights of whizzo technology with all its frustrations and perversions!

I normally use Photoshop Elements on a Mac. However when re-sizing photos you will experience a lesson in dimensions that you should only try if you have nothing else better to do with you life. Original image 2MB 3296 x 2472 (pixels). Using image re-size, and trying different percentages (rather that a choice of inches/cm/mm/points/picas/columns) to get a reduced image file, it was still too big when posted on this forum, even when using 10% of original. I think it is using density not pixels x pixels. I could go on!

However I then used iPhoto and Exporting a photo (it can also do it to a group of photos) and selecting Medium size, I have the answer! I still went through the tortuous Photobucket route. I think Tormek should get a straightforward drag and drop function with autosizing built into its forum's software.

Anyway I will now post the photos and suggestions under the post about Spokeshave Challenge.


The software itself that is used for this forum is nothing to do with Tormek.  Its a 3rd party product called simple machines forum. Whilst Tormek/Jeff chose it to host their content, they have no control or design authority over its functionality.  So unless SMF want drag n drop aint gunna happen Im afraid
Best.    Rob.


Thanks for the comments about the software. I have had a play and have found how to use Dropbox for a link ito a forum post which I'll use in future rather than Photobucket.

If anyone else wants to use Dropbox I'll post how to do it. Pictures still have to be re-sized first. The Export from iPhoto was dead easy. I would assume a pc with a Microsoft package would have the same facility. (I'm ever optimistic!)


Don't make scaling an image too difficult.  All you have to do is scale both dimensions the same amount.  So if you scale by 1/2 horizontally, then scale by 1/2 the other too, etc.

Most image editing software allows you to scale one dimension and maintain aspect ratio, so it will automatically scale the other dimension for you. Surely, PhotoShop Elements can do that. It's some option in the menus or buttons somewhere.  You do have to remember to save the scaled image to a different file name and then upload that scaled image to DropBox.

It would be cool if the forum had attachments turned on, but that would require a lot more disk space than simply displaying images from another host.

Anyway, it looks like you have found your way. :)


Quote from: RobinW on April 20, 2013, 01:30:58 AM
Thanks for the comments about the software. I have had a play and have found how to use Dropbox for a link ito a forum post which I'll use in future rather than Photobucket.

If anyone else wants to use Dropbox I'll post how to do it. Pictures still have to be re-sized first. The Export from iPhoto was dead easy. I would assume a pc with a Microsoft package would have the same facility. (I'm ever optimistic!)

I wouldnt mind a real quick post on the nuts n bolts of dropbox cos that would be my preferred hoster too as Ive had an account for ages. When I skimmed through the site I couldnt find where you could link pics? (Which is why I ended up with photobucket)

For Windows users wanting to resize images I recommend you read this entire thread from the start as we've already covered this as a group.  Summary...Paint works or any number of free downloads from t'inter-web!  Photoshop elements does have an image resize function that preserves the aspect even has a batch processor that can do an entire computer directory at once....again, all the image processing packages handle this in one way or another.  You just have to goof around a bit to find the commands.
Best.    Rob.


Dropbox - an Idiot's Guide (Don't take offence - it's an idiot writing it)

Dropbox for those who are unfamiliar with it, is an online storage facility. It is free for a certain amount of space (GB) and there are no annoying adverts. You can store all kinds of files - not just photos. I use it as a backup facility for my Mac and I use it to transfer/share files with other eg photos; videos; technical drawings and large documents eg 250MB. I use it more than attaching files to an email as the email system cannot handle the file sizes and there is no problem with overloading other peoples' inboxes. (email software also adds about 30% more to attached file size so that it can handle it.) Dropbox upload and download I find quicker than the email system.

To upload files you need to register and download a small piece of software. It was all pretty straightforward and didn't want my life history or inside leg measurement.

When registered, go to the site and log in. My Mac is permanently logged in and I have a small icon in the toolbar, so I just launch from there.

When in your account you can create a new folder, say Tools, and then drag and drop the files you want to share with others, and just let it upload to the Tools folder. It shows the progress.

When the files are uploaded you have a choice on how to share them.

If I wanted to share the contents of the Tools folder with someone who is not a Dropbox user, I can share a 'link'. Highlight the Tools folder and a toolbar comes up and there is a 'Share Link' option. Selecting this option brings up a box where you then insert the email address of the person(s) with whom you wish to share that folder. (It also has the option to Import Contacts which then links to your email contact list so that you don't have to look up and type in every email address.) Hit the Send button and the recipient gets an email saying that you wish to share a 'link' with them. If they click on the link contained within the email they are taken direct to the folder and they can view or save the contents to their own computer. One thing they can't do is change the contents of that folder - that is under your control.

The second method of sharing information is 'Share a folder'. To 'Share a Folder' the recipient has to be registered with Dropbox ie with a little bit of software downloaded as stated earlier.

(I have also experienced recipients who try to use certain tablets for accessing shared folders and the tablets don't like it or file formats particularly videos, there are limitations on the tablet software.)

The process to 'Share a Folder' is similar to the above just a different selection icon, and then insert the appropriate email address. The recipient of the email can then share that folder and upload other stuff to that folder for you to see; they can modify the files (if of suitable type) etc., so it's like having a shared drive. If any party to a shared folder uploads/deletes/modifies/renames or does something within that folder you get a flashed message on your screen saying what has been done by whom. You can also investigate the history of actions within the shared folder.

I have used the system a lot and shared any given folder with many others eg eight different people using the same folder.

Now to use Dropbox for inserting a photograph into a post on the Tormek Forum, this is slightly different again, where you are inserting into your forum post a direct link to an online storage address.

So assume I have got my Tools folder on Dropbox and I have uploaded my reduced size photos, say three off, and they are named 'One' 'Two' and 'Three'.

(There is no need to give them specific names as the system doesn't need it eg DSC 12345 as applied by the camera will work - as long as you know what photo you want to select.)

Now we get to the fun part! What you are trying to achieve is pasting into the Forum Post an online shared link or path (image address) which finds your photograph stored on Dropbox and allows it to show up as a picture within your post. Due to differences between the various browsers - Safari; Firefox; Internet Explorer, etc., you will find there are some differences in how you achieve this. The basic premise is the same. I will attempt to give a procedure for each browser.

*Using Safari as on a Mac

In the Dropbox folder click on 'One' and the photograph promptly opens up on your screen. Right click on the photo and a menu box opens up. Click on 'Copy Image Address'. This saves the image address on to the clipboard. Close the photo. Go to the Tormek Forum where you are compiling your post. Select the 'Insert Image" icon (bottom row, far left, the one under the bold B).

This puts [img] [img] into your post with a flashing cursor between the two sets of square brackets. Do a Paste function (cmd v on a Mac; control v on a pc) and this pastes the image address from the clipboard between the brackets. (It is not a picture, it is the address string which allows the forum to link to the picture on Dropbox.) Make sure that you now click the cursor outside the righthand [img] bracket and carry on with creating the rest of your post.

To view how it will look use the Preview button and this will show the picture in your post.

If say you now want to insert the next photo, click back in the post preparation window. Then go back to the Tools folder in Dropbox, click on photo 'Two' and open up the photo; right click within the photo, and select 'Copy Image Address'. Exit photo and go back to the forum, and click on Insert Image icon; do a paste function to insert the image address between the square brackets. Click outside the righthand square bracket to add more text etc. Again use Preview to see how it all looks. When ready hit the Post button, and go for a cup of tea.

**If you are using Firefox
Open the Dropbox folder, and hover the mouse over the appropriate photograph, say number One, but do not open it.

Right click and this opens up a new tab showing a box called 'Share this Image'. Within this box you can insert names/email addresses and add personal comments but ignore all that. At the bottom of this box are two buttons 'Send' and 'Get Link'.

Click on the 'Get Link' button, and you will get a message which says that the link is now copied to your clipboard.

Now return to the Tormek Forum where you are compiling your post. Select the 'Insert Image" icon (bottom row, far left, the one under the bold B).

This puts [img] [img] into your post with a flashing cursor between the two sets of square brackets. Do a Paste function (control v on a pc) and this pastes the image address from the clipboard between the brackets. (It is not a picture, it is the address string which allows the forum to link to the picture on Dropbox.) Make sure that you now click the cursor outside the righthand [img] bracket and carry on with creating the rest of your post.

To view how it will look use the Preview button and this will show the picture in your post.

If say you now want to insert the next photo, click back in the post preparation window. Then go back to the Tools folder in Dropbox, hover the mouse over photo 'Two' but do not open it; right click and this opens up the tab with the 'Share this Image' box. Click on the 'Get Link' button so that the link is now copied to your clipboard.

Go back to the Forum, click on Insert Image icon; paste function to insert the image address between the square brackets. Click outside the righthand square bracket to add more text etc. Again use Preview to see how it all looks. When ready hit the Post button, and take the rest of the day off.

***If you are using Internet Explorer
Sorry I can't help you at the moment as I do not have or use this package, and neither do my immediate contacts. If anyone cracks how to do it then please advise me of the process and I will update this post at a later date.

Hope that seems clear. 


Quote from: RobinW on April 20, 2013, 07:10:42 PM

and the photograph propmptly opens up on your screen. Right click on the photo and a menu box opens up. Click on 'Copy Image Address'.

Hi Robin

Having read your very well articulated post I thought I'd give dropbox another go.  Ive also had a dropbox account for yonks so when wanting to post here it was my natural first choice.  After many frustrating attempts to copy the images location address (as you describe) in order to post here, I simply gave up in the end because I couldnt get it to work.  Thats why I wound up using photobucket.

Ive just had another go and it doesnt seem to matter where within dropbox's folder options my pic is....when you right click, it doesnt give the option for the command you describe.  Im either getting the standard ie print, copy etc long list of options (like you get from any web page in Internet Explorer) or when I expand the photo as you describe above a shorter list but without the syntax you describe.

Ive tried it in the desktop folders, on the web version.  With the pics in the camera uplaods folder or in a seperate folder named by me...all the option to copy images address.  Cant fathom what Im doing wrong??
Best.    Rob.


if you send me a message/email with your email address, I'll set up a folder and invite you to share. Then we can either do it on the phone or Skype and see if what you see is the same as me. I think there may be a few differences when using a pc to a Mac (or am I getting confused with Skype?)


Hi Robin I've pm'd you my contact details.  Tonight is bad though as Im just out the door. Tomorrow not so bad.  Weather down South is pretty good for once so we're gunna break the barby out tomorrow if it holds.

Cheers matey

Best.    Rob.