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Photobucket picture uploading tests

Started by Rob, March 02, 2013, 05:49:26 PM

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when you choose the picture inside Photobucket....the links section on the right hand side has all the different options for the types of links (IM, email, img etc).

Well one of the options is called "direct link" its the second from top out of the four choices.

Thats the one you want.  Thats the one that pastes the photo directly into the post rather than a hyperlink to your library in photobucket

Took me all yesterday afternoon experimenting to work that out while my son was bashing me over the head with a balloon :-)
Best.    Rob.


This is it

Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

IMG code accomplishes the same task!
Origin: Big Bang


It does?

When I experimented yesterday I tried each of the link types in turn.....the direct link was the only one that worked for my pc.....maybe its a config thing?
Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

If you just click on the IMG code it'll automatically get copied to your clipboard.  Then you just paste it anywhere in your message.  Don't add the additional formatting codes.
Origin: Big Bang


thats how they all work just choose the link type and copies to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere.  When I repeated that exact procedure with each link type in turn, the only one which rendered the photo inside the post was the direct link option
Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

Hmmm...  That's weird cuz it worked fine for me!
Origin: Big Bang


Best.    Rob.



experiment with Hermans batch loader/resizer
Best.    Rob.


well the size is OK...I selected multiple shots in photobucket though and its only posted one
Best.    Rob.



If you go to user settings you can configure photobucket to display only the direct link codes and place them under each photo in the makes choosing and then linking the correct code much simpler
Best.    Rob.


Just as an adjunct.  Ive been organising my photobucket shots and it seems that even if you move pics into albums within photobucket it screws up the addrss in the link.  Thats why all the previous posts no longer contain pics...Ive moved them by tidying incredibly annoying!

Anyway...important safety tip for the future.....organise your photobucket albums before you post so the picture is in its final resting place before you link to it
Best.    Rob.


After trolling through all of the previous posts, is there a straightforward procedure on how to size and post a photograph?

Does it work with Dropbox, and if so can someone explain how to link it? (i've never used Photobucket.)

A nice drag and drop function into a post would save a lot of hassle judging by Rob's efforts above!


I'm not acquainted with the use of Dropbox. With Photobucket  you do drag and drop into it. From there if you want them organized into certain folders, you create the folder named as you want to if you don't have it already. Simply move the picture(s) into the folder(s) you want them in. It is not necessary if you don't want to.
The pictures can be cropped or resized before or after being placed in a folder(s).

Updating my post.
Just looked again at Photobucket. The pictures can be uploaded into the folder you want them go into by simply selecting where you want them to go to. I'll have to remember that the next time I upload. That would save the moving step I mentioned above.


Not sure if this is exactly what you are asking, but if you keep the horizontal dimension of your images to 640 or less they will work well in the forum.  You can see an example of 640 horizontal here: