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Turn Table

Started by tonylumps, May 20, 2012, 12:50:32 AM

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This is one of the best accessories I have bought for the Tormek. It beats picking up the Tormek and a lot better than dancing around the stand and it is very stable and locks into either position.

Mike Fairleigh

Mine shipped Friday, I'm looking forward to it.  Tormek should've had something like that years ago.

"If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend 7 sharpening my axe."  --Abraham Lincoln

Ken S

I am considering adding adding one of these when I order my replacement Tormek unit.  Has anyone on the forum had a chance to actually use one?



I am using it and what a pleasure. Just push a button and spin the unit no wobble at all. Locks in at  180*. And only about an 1" high. I would go for it.

Mike Fairleigh

Just got mine yesterday and put it to work today.  I seriously have no idea how people used Tormek machines for so many years without this.  It should be a standard part of every system sold.  Do note, however, that it raises the machine about 7/8".  Since the bench I have to use for now is already too high, that's not a trivial thing for me.  But the added convenience FAR outweighs that issue.  I'll stand on a ladder if I have to.  ;D

From the single photo that's available online, I had concerns about what materials it was made from and how the turning mechanism worked.  Now that I have one, I'd say it's par for Tormek - more expensive than it should be, BUT simple, well thought out, seemingly very reliable, everything it needs to be and nothing more.  I wholeheartedly recommend it.

"If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend 7 sharpening my axe."  --Abraham Lincoln


Got mine yesterday as well.


Ken S

I will add it to my order.  Thanks, guys.



This is the best accessory I have bought in some time for my Tormek.  It is made of durable, strong material.  It saves lifting and water spill when I reverse the machine.  It helps make sharpening on a Tormek even more joyful.  Just push the small lever and turn.