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Getting used to using Tormek

Started by thecabinetguy, October 21, 2013, 10:05:19 PM

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Hi guys,

This is a question to Jeff Farris.

Hi Jeff, I'm new to using tormek, after years of using sharpening stones and bench grinders that to be quite honest drove me mad, I took on a tormek T7. was just thumbing through threads and someone mentioned conditioning the leather honing wheel.

Unfortunately, I missed the bit about oiling the honing wheel and have used it straight with the honing compound. Could you advise me as to the best way to resolve conditioning of the honing wheel. I've used this for a couple of days to set some new framing chisels up. the wheel still feels rather dry and I'm worried I'm doing things wrong.

could you guide me please?

Jeff Farris

You're fine, no damage done. Just use a bit of mineral oil to condition the leather now. Then just apply one thin stripe of compound every 3 or 4 tools. Use a little frequently rather than a lot occasionally.
Jeff Farris