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Started by Ken S, April 11, 2012, 12:39:05 PM

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Ken S

Hi, all.  Sometime in the last week my house was robbed.  Among the stolen items was my Tormek.

If anyone finds a nice used Tormek T7 for sale in the Columbus, Ohio area, please post it on the forum.  It has a blue cover, the EZY  lock shaft, but no water pan, wheel dresser, angle guide or instructions.  If anyone finds a Tormek like this at a pawn shop in the Columbus area, please notify the store owner that it may be stolen and post the name of the store.  The Columbus police department has a report on this, as well as some of my other Milwaukee and Porter Cable tools.



Black Mamba

I'm sorry to read of this theft, Ken. I hope your stolen goods can be recovered.

I hate thieves with a passion. Two years ago, I shot one in the ass after he broke into my garage. My only regret is that he wasn't facing me when I let him have it.



You can set up a custom search in Google by going here:  and paste this into the search query box:

This will alert you when a anything is listed with the word Tormek in the ad on all of Craigslist. 

Now that a bad guy knows you have a shop with tools, make it less appealing to him when he or his friends return.   Put any tool of value behind locked doors.  Use vinyl coated steel cable to secure workbench or freestanding power tools you can't put away to a big eye bolt sunk into a nearby stud.   Buy a handful of cheap Harbor Freight/Yard sale/Flea market power hand tools and leave them out in plain sight near the door.  Make it easy for them to scooped up.  It's all about convenience for the crooks.  They want to be in and out fast with something they can convert to whatever they need. 

Ken S

Thanks for your replies, Tom and Tarhead.

I am no more fond of thieves than you are, Tom.  However, on a practical level, I'm just glad I wasn't home.  I would have aimed for the chest, and that would have had a very negative impact on the rest of my life.  I realize the perp is no innocent.  I would not want to take another life.  I would do so to protect my family if I had to.  The loss of a few tools is small compared to the cost of killing another.

Good thoughts, Tarhead.  I will watch craig's list and fortify the shop.

I have emailed Tormek for the serial number of my unit.  I registered it online when I purchased it.  I will post the result of that email.  Hopefully it will be a glowing thank you for a speedy reply.  I will post my comments whether or not I hear back from Tormek.

Should the new "owner" not realize how a Tormek works, he is in for a surprise.  I still have the universal support bar and SE-76 and the water trough.  I believe the Tormek would be a poor dry grinder.

I will keep you all posted.  I have become a believer in security systems.


Black Mamba

I sure understand, Ken, your legitimate concerns over the ramifications of killing someone. I doubt I would have shot the thief had he not snatched a big pair of hedge clippers off the wall and flung them at me. One of the handles hit me on the shoulder as the thing went flying by my head. I'm still amazed at the clarity of thought I had while this incident played out, but, I assure you, the enormity of the situation did not hit me until well after the cops came and hauled the thief off. The guy had a rap sheet several pages long.

Good luck on getting your stuff back.


Ken S

Tom, your situation is most understandable.

As promised, my day one report:  Nothing to report, as my email to Tormek requesting my serial number has not yet been answered.  Not yet a failing grade, however, it is now below an A.  Perhaps the person in charge of the email is more accustomed to product information requests.

Sorry if I'm not my usual positive encouraging self.  I'm just annoyed.


Ken S

I wrote too soon.  During the night I received an email from Tormek.  The serial number of my stolen T-7 is 489025.  Good job, Tormek!
