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SVD-185 Gouge Jig

Started by GIPPER, April 21, 2011, 07:39:06 PM

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I'm a new member to this Discussion Board and have about 3 days experience on my new Tormek T-7 system.  But I have a general question about the use of the SVD-185 jig.  Notwithstanding a shortage of work space around the T-7, using the the jig, the Universal Support can be positioned horizontally or vertically.  The difference, of course, is with the edge cutting into the stone or away from the stone.  Is there a preference of one method over the other? and Why?  Gipper

Steve Brown

I just got one and set it up. I put the holder in the horizontal position and sharpened with the stone moving away. The book and YouTube show it that way. Works well in the configuration. The holder slides to get the tip and the heel. Good luck.

Jeff Farris

In general, with the SVD-185 you will have better luck working in the horizontal position, with the wheel turning away from the edge. Shaping a tool is a little faster in the vertical position, but the stone wear is not worth the saved time. You won't go wrong in the horizontal with the SVD-185.
Jeff Farris


I've never read that the SVD-185 jig should be placed in the vertical position. Only horizontally.


Thank all of you for your input to my question.  The owner's instructions imply grinding into the stone is better than away from it.  Yet their examples all show grinding away for gouges.  Confusing, but that's the reason for my question.
Basic question:  What time zone is being used to post messages?  My original question was posted at 6:39pm.  My time, EDT was 1:39pm.  5-hours difference.  Is it UTC time or what?

Jeff Farris

It's Swedish time, of course!  :D

Look in the back of the handbook. For each tool it shows the best approach, vertical or horizontal.
Jeff Farris

Herman Trivilino

I don't use the SVD-185, so I can't speak to that.  I tend to have the wheel turning towards me for most processes.  I do have it turning away when I have to free-hand something, usually a knife too small to fit in the knife jig.
Origin: Big Bang

Steve Brown

The wheel turning away works well with this jig, My take is that is Jeff correct re it saves the wheel and gives better control of the tool.


I tried the jig in the vertical position using the same tool just to test.  I needed to change the Jig-Setting from 2 to 4 to make it work better.  It seems to work, but, all in all, I agree with everyone' opinion, for gouge type tools, the horizontal position is much more comfortable to use.  BTW, on stone ware, I'm going to start a new subject on stone ware management.  Thanks everyone.  Gipper