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Started by Phil Hansen, July 05, 2010, 12:40:15 PM

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Phil Hansen

Got a BGM-100 yesterday and tried it out this morning.
What a difference in the time getting a profile and a sharp edge.
Well worth the *cost* for the time saved.
I am sure it a (small) setting problem but on the first 2 tools I did the angle was not
transferred exactly from the dry grinder to the wet grinder.
Thanks it does make life easier.


Jeff Farris


Re: match when moving to the Tormek.

When you're shaping a tool, reset the protrusion a few times as the project progresses. This will improve the match both from one grinder to another and to the next time you sharpen the tool.
Jeff Farris

Phil Hansen

Thanks Jeff,
Will try it next time.


I finally got my twin BGM-100 attachments installed on a old Woodcraft slow-speed grinder. I took some time to make sure things were aligned. I also was able to keep my Wolverine guides on the same grinder.

Some notes:

I have to grind away some metal on the lower wheel guards so I could use the Wolverine levers in both directions.
The wooden blocks for the BGM-100 prevented the handles from being tightened in the direction towards the blocks. So I removed seom metal from the lower side, and now I tighten the Wolverine handles towards the middle of the grinder, instead of away.

The first thing I used my new setup was to prepare a new 2 1/4 inch plane blade on the grinder/Tormek.
First problem is that I cannot use the setup on the left side of the grinder with the SE-76. The wooden block is too far away from the wheel. I would need to move the wooden block closer to the wheel. I'll have to experiment.

I was able to use the SE-76 on the right hand wheel. However, I had to remove the plane blade, and put it in so the sharp end comes out the opposite way than when it's on the Tormek. Otherwise, I cannot get it to reach the wheel.

So after I grind it on the right hand grinder, I have to remove the blade, reverse it, re-align it, and then set it up on the Tormek.

Now if I could get a horizontal arm that had a longer bar, I could use the Square End Jig on the left side.

Jeff Farris

The BGM-100 was never intended for use with the SE-76. The purpose behind the BGM-100 is the shaping of turning tools, not bench tools.
Jeff Farris


Phil another thing to take note is that the radius on the wheel is slightly different.

You are probably going from a 8" spark grinder to the 10" tormek so a slight difference there.

Nothing to worry about as you have used the spark grinder to form the shape and this has done all the hard work and saved a lot of time, now the Tormek will refine the shape and edge. It will over a very short time merge the bevel into one.

Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between the two.
One good turn deserves another


Quote from: Jeff Farris on July 11, 2010, 10:51:35 PM
The BGM-100 was never intended for use with the SE-76. The purpose behind the BGM-100 is the shaping of turning tools, not bench tools.

Okay. I was able to use the SE-76 on the right hand side. I'm just passing the lesson along.